Thursday, May 31, 2012

5 Months

Little Mister, 

You are officially 5 months old.  I. can't. believe. it.  I mean, yeah, I can.  The days have been looonnnnggg but the months have been going by quickly.  We are finally starting to figure out the reasons for your tummy troubles.  Milk is not your friend.  And neither is soy.  You are starting to eat more solid foods and haven't really rejected anything I've given you.  You'll eat green beans and prunes but disliked bananas at first.  You are getting more used to them and don't spit them out like you used to.  

You are getting more animated with your facial expressions.  You absolutely love it when Lauren pushes and pulls you in your walker.  You just smile and giggle and then Lauren starts giggling...I love how you interact with your sister.  You two are fun to watch.  You are learning how to use your arms and hands more.  You reach for toys and pull them to your mouth, and you like to reach up and touch our faces.  You love to grab my hair but your sister doesn't so much love it when you grab hers.  So... could you work on that please?  You got her good twice today.  Hilarious (but not to her)!

You hate to be on your tummy.  I put you on your tummy to play and you quickly roll to your back.  You definitely have mastered that skill.  You still haven't rolled from your back to your tummy...maybe we need to work on this?  But maybe you will just skip that step...

(here are a few pictures of me trying to capture him on his tummy)

Up on his arms for literally five seconds...

going down...
(notice Lauren trying to stop him from rolling over, ha!)

Okay, try this again.

going down.



Oh foot, how long have I had this?  Has this been attached to my leg all this time?  Foot, you are way more interesting than this picture taking stuff.  

Oh, and Mr. more thing we need to work on.  I need some more sleep for my survival.  So I really need you to need more sleep for your survival.  This getting up multiple times a night is cramping my style.  Coffee and naps are my best friend.  I do need to give you credit were getting up every hour and a half and now you are only up like three times a night.  But still, your sister spoiled me like none other sleeping through the night at 7 weeks.  So, lets work on this together now.  Okay... ready... go!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Runnin' with the Big Dogs

Yes, it has been four months since I've blogged.
Yes, I have been extremely busy lovin' on my two three little loves (okay my husband counts too but he's not little :)
Yes, I've updated my blog to tell you this little story:

Today Lauren and I went to the park to play with some friends from church.  Well, apparently, so did about 75 middle schoolers.  Well, maybe 5th graders?  I'm not exactly sure how old they were but they decided to take over the park.  Lauren has always loved playing with "big kids."  She would rather play with the big kids than with kids her own age.  I don't know... is that weird?  Maybe it is because they can pick her up, spin her around, and will follow her any where she wants to go.  She was enjoying the slides when about 20 middle schoolers invaded the play ground equipment.  I was getting nervous because I kept losing her in all the bodies.  That's when she found Katie.  Katie was sitting on the playground with her friend talking and Lauren walked up to her grabbed her hand and made Katie go down the slide with her.  Katie kept escaping back to her friend who was still sitting in the same location where Lauren found them and every time Lauren would find her, grab her hand and make her play.  This happened like three times before Katie gave up escaping and just played with her.

I captured two pictures with my phone of sweet little Katie pushing Lauren on the swings.  Any of my Indianola friends know this girl?  If so, let me know... She'd make a good babysitter one day.  :)

Yes, I am a bit freaked out about the fact that Lauren knows no stranger.
Any tips on how to explain to your two year old that not everybody is a friend?
And yes, I hope Lauren continues to be outgoing and make friends easily.  I just pray she will be able to discern the good people from the bad.  We're doing good so far.  :)