Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Sea Turtle

Nick and I are excited to announce that we are expecting our second child. And Lord willing we will be ringing in the new year 2012 as a family of 4. G2, also known as Baby Sea Turtle, (more on that later) is due around December 30th making me 13 weeks pregnant. We are truly thankful for the blessing of children and think Lauren will be a great big sister. After being 9 months pregnant in August with Lauren I am thrilled to be due in the winter and entering my third trimester in the fall. Hopefully that means less swelling? We shall see....

Unlike my pregnancy with Lauren (no morning sickness, no nauseousness) this one has been filled with exhaustion and nauseousness. Maybe that is a sign it's a boy? Nick would like to think so but we will be thrilled regardless. I am very much aware that every pregnancy is different but I am looking forward to the start of the second trimester and hope to be welcoming back my energy and appetite soon.

So back this Baby Sea Turtle thing...when I first found out I was pregnant with Lauren I took my first ultra sound picture to my sister Angela to tell her the good news. Well, at the time I was only 10 weeks pregnant and an ultra sound picture looks nothing more than a white blob. I thought it looked like a little peanut but she thought it looked like a seahorse. Which then coined the name... Baby Seahorse.

Look like a seahorse to you?

Lauren at 3 months

So when I told Angela that we were expecting again she immediately started thinking of a sea creature for G2. And although she doesn't think him/her necessarily looks like a sea turtle in the picture below:

we have to continue on with the theme... every child will have a "sea" nickname. Weird? Maybe. But they do swim in water their first 9 months.... :) AND one of my favorite movies of all time is Finding Nemo...which is why we will call him/her Crush. Pretty rockin' nickname, right? It's okay to be jealous :) ... We look forward to seeing our little one in a onesie like this one day. And when Angela gets married Aunt Crystal will look forward to nicknaming her children! :)

With all jokingness aside, we would really appreciate your prayers for a safe and easy pregnancy; a healthy (full term) baby and an easy adjustment for big sister Lauren.